SDG Base de datos “Precios de los combustibles” de América Latina en CEPALSTAT 2021-03-01 Resource Type Database Argentina Bolivia Brasil Chile Colombia Ecuador México Paraguay Perú Uruguay Venezuela Gobernanza e instituciones CEPAL
SDG Recursos para enfrentar la COVID-19 2020-09-01 Resource Type Database Cambio climático y resiliencia Género UNESCO
SDG FAO’s Big Data tool on food chains under the COVID-19 pandemic 2020-06-01 Resource Type Database FAO
SDG Social Investment Portal in Latin America and the Caribbean 2020-02-02 Resource Type Database ECLAC
SDG Youth and Social Inclusion: Youth Observatory for Latin America and the Caribbean 2020-02-02 Resource Type Database ECLAC
SDG DAD-IS Domestic Animal Diversity Information System 2020-01-12 Resource Type Database FAO WFP IFAD
SDG Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database in Latin America and the Caribbean 2020-01-01 Resource Type Database Equitable Growth ECLAC
SDG Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional en América Latina y el Caribe 2020-01-01 Resource Type Database CEPAL