Cities of Solidarity in the Americas: Concept note Governance and Institutions Human mobility UNHCR SDG
Red Latinoamericana para el desarrollo industrial con igualdad (RELADII) 2022-10-20 News Género Agenda 2030 ONU-Mujeres ONUDI
IBC Human Mobility - Data Task Force - Mixed movements - Summary of key figures and trends | as of October 2022 Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Ecuador El Salvador Guatemala Haiti Honduras Mexico Nicaragua Panama Venezuela Human mobility UNHCR SDG
Progress report on the implementation of SDG 9 in Latin America and the Caribbean Equitable Growth Agenda 2030 UNIDO SDG
SDG La cooperación sur-sur y el intercambio de conocimientos impulsan la consecución del ODS 9 en materia de industria e innovación 2022-10-18 News Panamá Agenda 2030 ONUDI
Centroamérica avanza en soluciones regionales de vivienda para zonas urbanas precarias 2022-10-18 News República Dominicana Crecimiento equitativo ONU-Habitat
SDG Ministerio de Salud Pública de Ecuador suscribió convenio para la compra de 158 ambulancias con Naciones Unidas 2022-10-17 News Ecuador Agenda 2030 UNOPS
UNHCR, IOM and UNICEF welcome new pathways for regular entry to the US, reiterate concern over restrictions on access to asylum 2022-10-14 News Human mobility UNHCR IOM UNICEF
SDG United Nations recognizes UNOPS purchase of medicines in Mexico as the best procurement project globally in 2022 2022-10-13 News Mexico Agenda 2030 UNOPS
SDG Three quarters of refugees and migrants from Venezuela struggle to access basic services in Latin America and the Caribbean 2022-10-12 News Venezuela Human mobility UNHCR IOM
Juárez, ONU-Habitat y la ciudadanía se unen para guiar el desarrollo social, urbano y ambiental del municipio 2022-10-11 News México ONU-Habitat
SDG Former midwife delivers safety and hope to Nicaraguan refugee women 2022-10-04 News Costa Rica Human mobility UNHCR
SDG Mejorando la infraestructura vial de Costa Rica 2022-10-04 Resource Type Videos Costa Rica Movilidad humana UNOPS
UNOPS Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Mainstreaming in Projects Strategy 2022-2025 Equitable Growth UNOPS SDG
Fourth edition of UNIDO’s regional training on gender and industry delivered for Latin America and the Caribbean 2022-09-23 News Colombia Gender Agenda 2030 UNIDO
SDG International community shows solidarity with efforts to enhance protection and find solutions for people forced to flee and host communities in Central America and Mexico 2022-09-21 News Human mobility UNHCR