UNHCR-WFP Mixed Movements Monitoring (Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama) - January-March 2024 Costa Rica Guatemala Honduras Mexico Panama Human mobility UNHCR WFP SDG
Anacláudia Rossbach, nueva Directora Ejecutiva de ONU-Habitat 2024-06-24 News Agenda 2030 ONU-Habitat
SDG Cartagena+40: Latin America and the Caribbean address protection responses to displacement in the context of disasters and the adverse effects of climate change 2024-06-20 News Human mobility UNHCR
IBC Human Mobility - Mixed movements: Overview of key figures and trends | January-March 2024 Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras Mexico Panama Human mobility ECLAC UNHCR OCHA IOM UNICEF SDG
SDG Cartagena+40: Países latinoamericanos y caribeños avanzarán en la integración de personas desplazadas a la fuerza con el apoyo del sector privado y agencias financieras de desarrollo 2024-05-17 News Movilidad humana ACNUR
Regional workshop on accelerating the implementation of the SDGs 2024-04-15 Resource Type Videos ECLAC
UNHCR-WFP Mixed Movements Monitoring (Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama) - October-December 2023 Costa Rica Guatemala Honduras Mexico Panama Human mobility UNHCR WFP SDG
SDG Protecting people on the move and stateless people has been the main topic at the first regional consultation of the C+40 Process, which was held in Mexico 2024-04-05 News Human mobility UNHCR
SDG UNHCR appeals to strengthen the protection of people displaced by climate change at a historical IACHR hearing 2024-03-05 News Climate change and resilience Human mobility UNHCR
IBC Human Mobility - Mixed movements: Overview of key figures and trends | October-December 2023 Human mobility ECLAC UNHCR OCHA IOM UNICEF SDG
Enfoque temático: Integración socioeconómica de las poblaciones desplazadas por la fuerza en América Latina y el Caribe Movilidad humana ACNUR SDG
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VI Informe Anual – MIRPS 2023 Belice Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras México Panamá Movilidad humana ACNUR SDG
SDG Central America, Mexico, and the international community committed to finding joint solutions to forced displacement 2024-01-24 News Human mobility UNHCR
UNHCR-WFP Mixed Movements Monitoring (Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama) - July-September 2023 Costa Rica Guatemala Honduras Mexico Panama Human mobility UNHCR WFP SDG