UNOPS impulsa la Gestión Pública Justa y Equitativa en América Latina y el Caribe para el logro del desarrollo sostenible Gobernanza e instituciones UNOPS SDG
UNOPS Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Mainstreaming in Projects Strategy 2022-2025 Equitable Growth UNOPS SDG
Modernización y Desarrollo Integral de la Agricultura Familiar en Paraguay: sistematización de lecciones aprendidas en la implementación de proyectos 2014-2021 Paraguay Crecimiento equitativo Agenda 2030 UNOPS SDG
Main Actions 2020-2021 of Government's response to COVID-19 with the support of UNOPS in Latin America and The Caribbean Agenda 2030 UNOPS SDG
UN Handbook on Infrastructure Asset Management Governance and Institutions Agenda 2030 UNOPS UN System SDG
The future of public spending: responses to covid-19 Agenda 2030 Governance and Institutions Financing for development Gender UNOPS
The future of public spending: Why the way we spend is critical to the Sustainable Development Goals Climate change and resilience Governance and Institutions Financing for development Gender Agenda 2030 UNOPS
The future of public spending: Why the way we spend is critical to the sustainable development goals Governance and Institutions Financing for development UNOPS SDG
2018 Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement Agenda 2030 Human mobility Climate change and resilience Equitable Growth Crime and violence Governance and Institutions Financing for development Gender Agenda 2030 UNOPS
IMPACT UNOPS: Sustainability Report 2018 Guatemala Agenda 2030 Human mobility Climate change and resilience Equitable Growth Crime and violence Governance and Institutions Financing for development Gender UNOPS SDG
The critical role of infrastructure for the Sustainable Development Goals Agenda 2030 Human mobility Climate change and resilience Equitable Growth Governance and Institutions Gender UNOPS SDG
IMPACT: 2017 Report Sustainability Paraguay Agenda 2030 Human mobility Climate change and resilience Equitable Growth Crime and violence Governance and Institutions Financing for development Gender UNOPS SDG
Infraestructure: Underpinning Sustainable Development Equitable Growth Climate change and resilience Governance and Institutions Gender Financing for development UNOPS SDG
Documentos Temáticos dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável 6, 7, 11, 12 e 15. Brasil Brasil Cambio climático y resiliencia Sistema ONU PNUD ONU-Habitat UNESCO UNOPS SDG
High impact procurement: Supporting Sustainable Development Climate change and resilience Equitable Growth Governance and Institutions Financing for development Agenda 2030 UNOPS