SDG Seminario internacional: Cohesión social, garantías de bienestar y protección social: claves para una reconstrucción con igualdad post pandemia en América Latina Activity CEPAL PNUD
SDG Seminario virtual Jóvenes ante COVID-19 en América Latina y el Caribe Activity Juventud Género CEPAL UNESCO UNFPA PNUD
SDG Acción climática en tiempos de crisis: Potenciando la recuperación sostenible post COVID-19 en Latinoamérica y el Caribe Activity Cambio climático y resiliencia PNUD CEPAL
SDG Regional Workshop " Using SDG 6 Policy Support System (SDG-PSS) to facilitate countries in Latin America and the Caribbean for water-related sustainable development" Activity Governance and Institutions Agenda 2030 UNDP ECLAC UN System
SDG Seminar: Latin American & Caribbean perspectives on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework Activity Agenda 2030 ECLAC UNEP UNDP
SDG Caribbean Judges discuss latest international and regional guidance on HIV, human rights and the law Activity Gender UNDP
SDG The Global Alliance for Reporting Progress on Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies Activity Agenda 2030 UNDP
SDG Regional Workshop on the UPR: Good Practices, Follow-up Mechanisms and Synergies with the 2030 Agenda, Panama City, Panama, 22-23 October 2019 Activity Governance and Institutions UNDP OHCHR
SDG Latin America and the Caribbean Climate Week Activity Dominican Republic Climate change and resilience UNDP UNEP
SDG Accelerating the progress of SDG 16+ for the development of fair, pacific and inclusive societies in Latin America and the Caribbean Activity Agenda 2030 UNDP
SDG 4th International Conference on Governance, Crime and Justice Statistics Activity Mexico Governance and Institutions Crime and violence UNDP UNODC
SDG International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction Activity Panama Climate change and resilience UNDRR UNICEF UNDP
SDG Curso on-line de Integración del Medio Ambiente y el Clima en los Procesos de Reducción de la Pobreza y Desarrollo Sostenible Activity Cambio climático y resiliencia Crecimiento equitativo PNUMA PNUD